
Where In Jamaa?!

Good job, dreamers and jammers! You all did well! Here are the answers:

 1. Crystal Sands

2. Canyons Pathway (That's what it's called, but I accepted Coral Canyons Pathway)

 3. Tierney's Theater (Also accepted different names, but it had to have theater in the name)

 4. Lost Temple of Zios

 5. Diamond Shop

Here is what everyone got!

MythCat2907- 5/5
Hiphopbunny12345- 5/5
Pink200330- 4/5
Guardiansofgahoole101- 4/5
Numnum13- 3/5 (You didn't put a number, just saying)

And now, the moment you have all been waiting for! The winners! (I used a random number generator for Hiphopbunny and Mythy, since they got 5/5) I'm going to generate a random number! The closest to that number is the winner!

Congratulations, Mythy! You won! And your prize is: 

Thank you to all who participated!


  1. 1. Just guessing.. Mt. Shiveer?
    2. I think your main animal is a tiger named Sparkle Arcticgem.
    3. I think it's the Golden Egg
    4. I think a butterfly named Windsky.
    5. Maybe a tiara? I dunno. XD

  2. 1. Crystal Sands
    2. Coral Canyons
    3. Tierny's Aquarium Theater
    4. Lost Temple of Zios
    5. Diamond Shop

    Number: 7

    1. Good job! I guessed them all without looking (in meh head)

  3. I. Crystal Sands
    2. Coral Canyons
    3. No Idea (I'm doing this from memory!!)
    4. Lost Temple of Zios
    5. Diamond Shop

  4. 1. crystal sands
    2. Canyons pathway!
    3. Trerny's aquarium
    4. Lost temple of zios
    5. Diamond shop!

    my number: 36

  5. Haha I'm doing this without going on AJ xD

    1. Crystal sands, at the bottom-middle of the water
    2. Canyons pathway, at the place where you go to Coral canyons
    3. Tierney's theater
    4. Lost temple of Zios, the adventures entrance
    5. The diamond shop

    Number: 55

    Mythy :)

  6. hiphopbunny12345 #14 i guess
    1. Crystal Sands
    2. Canyons Pathway
    3. Tierney's Theater (took a long time)
    4. (Lost) Temple of Zios
    5. Diamond Shop

    1. So close :( lol congrats mythy

  7. my number is 23 lol crazy right?
