Hey dreamers!
I'm sorry, but this is not a post about AJ, again. :P What is this post about? Chicken Smoothie! I'm bored of it, and I basically quitted, although I wouldn't call it that. Well, I have items and pets, right? What am I going to do about them? Let them collect dust? Nah, I have a better idea! I'm just going to give out my pets. My username is wolfpaws4330 (duh). So just send me a trade with nothing on your side, and choose a maximum of 10 pets and 4 items on my side. That's it!
Wow, wolfpaws! Thanks! Ok, here comes the issue of what I should call you by. Wolfpaws, wolfy, wolf, or wolfypaws?
I hope this is the real ca1412. XD
DeleteWell, wolfpaws would be more formal, and wolfy and wolfiepaws would be more personal and fun. And please don't call me wolf. :P
You can call me..
wolfpaws: if you haven't really gotten to know me, or don't know me at all. Also if you have never chatted with me.
wolfiepaws and wolfy: if you are closer buddies/friends with me, and/or have chatted with me. Also if we have ever played around on AJ being silly or something. XD
Oh, and on the subject of CS: Your welcome. :)
Now that is a good one! I'll call you wolfu! You called yourself that, right? Just kidding, I'm pretty sure it was just a typo. XD Ok, I think I am the real ca1412. Am I? I guess so. XD Let me give you a fact that will prove that I am ca1412: Ok, um, I like pizza? That enough? XD Oh, and also, thank you for saying you're welcome to my other thank you. XD
XDDD Wolfu is a typo. It's a common one. I also do wolfiepawd and wolfpaqs and countless others. :P
Delete~wolfu ^.^