Thursday, September 18, 2014

Updates! (Not that exciting except for the new game)

Hey guys! 

I forgot it was Thursday, which means update day! Hurray! I'm not going to show pictures of the actual Jamaa Journal though...

Ok, so first of all, there is a really cool new game called 'Spot On' which is located in Kimbara Outback.

Here's a picture of it. That circle was smaller, and then it grows bigger and bigger. You have to try and guess what the animal is. You get about 135 gems each time you play, so you get a decent amount of gems. But it really depends on how fast you answer. As you can see in the picture, I had 82 gems at the moment.

Also, it has been confirmed that pandas are returning to Jamaa. Yipee! I really want one. It's an animal not many people play as, so I want it. :P

Next, we have pet monkeys that are returning to Jamaa as well. In of course, the Diamond Shop. We have all seen this coming...


AJHQ has adopted an otter from an aquarium or something, it seems. Cool. What they name it? Awesome Stinkygem?

It's September, which means we are nearing Autumn, which means it's getting cooler. What does this all mean? You're right! The Night-of-the-Phantoms is coming soon! A.KA. Halloween...

Phew, that's all the updates. Do you guys know about The Animal Jam Whip by nafaria9? Most of you guys do. Ya know, the circle of friends.. XD Well, she posted something that I found hilarious. It's called TBA. Here's the link:

Well, that's about it. See ya!

(Nonmember awesomeness.)

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