Saturday, August 9, 2014

Animal Jam Updating

Hey dreamers! I was trying to log onto AJ when this came up: 

Don't you hate it when you are planning to have fun in Jamaa but you have to wait for AJ to update? I was going to post the new items! And also, forget about what I said in the post below. I don't need to use anybody else's pictures anymore. Anyway, that's it. 

Oh, on a non Aj note, I found a really cool website for our generation (What my grandpa likes to call "the computer generation"). It's and it's really cool. You get to look around at "stuff" you can do, like make a sculpture, or hack onto their website and fiddle with stuff. The "stuff" are challenges, and once you complete one that you want to do, you can a post a picture or video of you doing it or demonstrating it. And the challenges are in categories, and the categories are called skills. If you complete 3 challenges in a skill, you get the virtual patch. You can look at other people's creations too. It's super fun, you should really check it out. What makes it so great (so you can convince your parents to let you join) is that you go on an electronic to look at the challenges, and then you do the challenges, not on any electronics! But of course there is some challenges that you do on an electronic. But yeah... Anyway! Don't take my word for it, check it out yourself! I'm Eunoia on it, by the way.
Happy dreaming!

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